On September 30 the State Newspapaer published Order for changes in Order № 9 of 2015 for the implementation of measure 4.1 “Investment in farms” of the Programme for Rural Development 2014 – 2020.
Measure 4.1 finances farms for purchase of agricultural machinery, construction of silo farms, creation of plantations, construction, repairment, equipment and irrigation systems.
Applicants under Measure 4.1. must prove that at the time of applying the minimum standard production volume (SPV) of their farm is a minimum of Euro 8,000. According to the published changes if the required amount is not reached for this business year – 2016-2017, it must have been reached in the previous business year – 2015-2016. It means that it is not allowed to apply only with the intention of planting.
Subsidy under measure 4.1. can reach 50% from the investment plans of one candidate, but it can be no more than Euro 1 million. 10% extra will be given to candidates who are organic producers, young farmers or operate in a less-favored area.
With priority will be financed candidates with investments in sensitive sectors, in rural, disadvantaged areas, Nature 2000, Northwestern Bulgaria, who will invest in construction works and non-agricultural technology, in improving of energy efficiency, certified organic producers, young farmers, farms with history and tobacco producers.
From the list of crops in sensitive sectors are excluded walnuts, pumpkins, green peas, sweet corn, wild rose, lemon balm, coriander, almonds, hazelnuts, fennel, herbs and levzeya.
Investments in irrigation systems will be financed, if “effective administrative act is issued under Chapter Six of the Law for Environmental Protection and / or the Biodiversity Act, or a letter is issued pursuant to Art. 2 para. 2 of the Regulation on conditions and procedures for assessing the compatibility of plans, programs, projects and investment proposals with the object and purpose of conserving protected areas (SN. 73 of 2007), which approves the implementation of the investment proposal”.
The changes allow candidates from previous periods of admission, which investment programs were not approved to participate for the upcoming period of reception under a simplified procedure by submitting a transfer request application.