The reason is the geographical proximity of the country with Asia and the fact that it is very well positioned on the map
In 2017 we aim to expand the opportunities to launch products from CEE in China, as well as attracting investment from China in the region. This was stated by the executive director of the Center for promotion of cooperation in agriculture between China and CEE – Vasil Gelev.
China chose Bulgaria for the creation of the first free trade zone within the CEE. According to Nelson Wong, Director of ACN Worldwide Corporation, the reason is the geographical proximity of the country with Asia and the fact that it is very well positioned on the map.
Gelev noted that the center represents all 17 countries included in the initiative. According to him, the main purpose is to promote the cooperation between them and China in the field of agriculture, not only at the level of ministries, but between different businesses.
He explained that at the opening of the two Bulgarian pavilions in China’s our traditional products, such as honey, wine and cosmetic products based on essential oils were of great interest. According to Gelev the opening of the pavilions is a very big step, because free trade zones in China are attended by more than 300 importers and distributors daily.
Chinese consumers still do not trust the brand Bulgaria as a producer, said Wong.
According to him, it must be carefully promoted and also, the country has products with very good quality. According to him, the concept of 17 countries in the association is the answer of the issue of choice and quantity in regard to the volume of the Chinese market, which could not be satisfied with only one importer.
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