Sub-measure 4.2 on indicative data will start in the month of May 2017

MAF changes the indicative annual schedule RDP 2014-2020 for 2017

In the previous case, the initial term of the sub measure was set for January 2017, the intake of applications had to continue until February 2017.

Rumen Porozhanov: We expect 1100 contracted projects under the first intake in Measure 4.1.

The total amount of grants under the sub measure up to the equivalent of 12.5 million euros.

Change is observed in sub-4.2 “Investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products”, which was set indicative of February 2017, and now has shifted to start in May 2017, with the ambition to continue until June 2017 funding sub-measure is the total amount of the grant to the equivalent of 85 million euros.

The new indicative program with one month is extended and the indicative deadline for applying for sub 6.4.1 “Investments in support of non-agricultural activities”, scheduled to begin in November 2017 and continued until December 2017 total amount of grant procedure to the equivalent of 50.2 million euros.

Vulkanov: The second intake in Measure 4.1 will become a great burden.

Remain unchanged measures 6.1 “Setting up of young farmers” who takes on indicative data is scheduled to begin in July 2017 with a grant to the equivalent of 41.5 million euros.

Measure 9 “Establishment of groups and producer organizations” as indicative scheduled to begin in June 2017, with total grants to the equivalent of 3.9 million euros.

Measure 10 “Agri-environment and climate” and measure 11 “Organic Farming” are set to start in March 2017 and continue until May 2017.